Kara Zmatiq – Braeden Rhys

Kara Zmatiq – Braeden Rhys
Shaira Mae Pabilan

Kara Zmatiq

Braeden RhysAustralia, Sydney


Tell us about KaraZmatiq

Kara Zmatiq is Australia’s Best Live Singing Drag Queen as seen on Australia’s Got Talent, and has appeared on national radio, television, and touring production shows respected as Australia’s Best Live Singing Drag Queen and Cabaret Entertainer. via the web: www.getaqueen.com

What was the journey that brought you to what you do?

Exploring my sexuality and embracing my queer identity I discovered the world of drag, I had always been musical and creative with a passion for theatre however this very quickly evolved into an award-winning career as a live singing drag queen – for weddings.

What’s behind your success?

The ability to perform, and embrace my sexuality and my public image in the LGBTQI community as an ambassador for equality and love (irrespective of gender or sexuality). My commitment to bringing drag entertainment to mainstream audiences.

What’s a mistake you’ve made that you’ll never make again?

Relying on other drag queens for gigs.

What do you love about working in the wedding industry?

I love celebrating love. It is that simple. Being able to bring drag and live singing together for those celebrating their love and union together, is a very special thing.

What are your predictions for the industry for the next few years?

The industry now that COVID has settled down will return to a normal we are all familiar with as I am starting to receive an increase in bookings which is great news!

What’s the one secret about your field or industry you wish everyone knew?

Building positive relationships with clients and tailoring your entertainment options means clients are more inclined to book me for their events 🙂

What’s your main goal for the year ahead?

Increase my brand awareness nationally as Australia’s Best Live Singing Drag Queen and increase bookings, with the opportunity to tour nationally and internationally as a cabaret show entertainer and cabaret/drag/circus show producer.